


Become a MISSIONS PARTNER by supporting YWAM Taiwan financially


Would you and your church consider partnering with YWAM Taiwan by becoming a monthly supporter or by giving a special gift? Support YWAM Taiwan and, together, we can advance the wave of missions here on the island and to the nations.

線上奉獻 Online Donation:

如果您希望透過信用卡在線上奉獻,請點選以下的連結。If you’d like to give online (through your credit card), please click the link below.

備註 Notes:

  1. 信用卡手續費:臺灣銀行信用卡酌收 2.75% ,外國銀行信用卡酌收 3.5%。手續費會從奉獻金額直接扣除。

    Credit Card Processing Fee: 2.75% for Taiwan Cards, 3.5% for International Cards. Fees will be directly deducted from the donation.

  2. 請在備註欄位中註明一般奉獻或是指名奉獻的事工。如果備註欄留白,奉獻金額會在三十天後被轉入一般奉獻的項目中。

    Please write in the note section the designated ministry of the offering. If not, the office will consider this offering to be for general operations after 30 days of receiving it.

  3. For offerings that would like a U.S. tax-deductible receipt, please click here and give through YWAM Montana. Please select “YWAM Taiwan - 3509” in the “Designated For” section.


戶名:社團法人青年使命團台北分會 帳號:19829611




銀行:華南銀行 淡水分行 (008) 帳號:167-10-008507-3 戶名: 社團法人青年使命團

備註 Notes:

  1. 請在備註中註明 #指定的部門或同工編號 以及 #捐款人姓名(非指定同工的姓名),例:「SBS,王大明」或「T1001,王大明」。

    For the description please note “designated ministry/staff number” and “donor’s full name.” (Not staff’s name!) For example: "DTS, Tom Smith" or “T1001, Tom Smith”.

  2. 若未註明,將於奉獻30天(含)後,視其為一般奉獻。

    If not, the national office will consider this offering to be for general operations after 30 days.


After completing your donation, kindly fill out the form in the link. Or email us your remit details (Your Name, Area/person/ministry of Giving, Amount of Giving) in order to issue the receipt and submit it to the Taiwan Taxation Bureau.

感謝您的支持與慷慨!Thank you for your generosity.

如有任何問題,也請洽財務同工。For any inquiries, please contact our finance office.

(02)2620-2152 / donations.ywamtw@gmail.com

「叫你們凡事富足,可以多多施捨,就藉著我們使感謝歸於神。因為辦這供給的事,不但補聖徒的缺乏,而且叫許多人越發感謝神。」林後 9:11-12

“You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God. ” 2 Cor 9:11