YWAM Taiwan Vision
YWAM Taiwan aims to partner with the body of Christ to serve Taiwan and the nations in responding to the Great Commission. Through solid training in the Bible and cross-cultural missions, we empower believers to share the gospel and bring biblical transformation to society, especially in the Chinese-speaking world and in regions where Christians are few, needing support to reach their own.
Youth With A Mission aims to serve individuals and churches that want to be involved in missions and believes that young people have an important role to play in reaching the nations.Through our established ministries and training programs in Taiwan, dynamic cross-cultural team settings, and our global network, we desire to partner with the Taiwanese church to fulfill the Great Commission together.
YWAM Taiwan Ministry
YWAM Taiwan believes that the Taiwanese people are meant to be a blessing to the nations. Starting in 1989, YWAM began sending outreach teams made up of Taiwanese and foreign missionaries to different parts of the world, mainly in Asia and within the 10/40 window. Through these mission trips, God started to plant long-term callings in individuals. With thorough training and preparation, these people were sent into the nations. Over the years, more than 40 Taiwanese long-term missionaries and multiple foreign missionaries have been commissioned to the nations through YWAM Taiwan.
With foreign missionaries on the ground here in Taiwan, local believers get to experience the missionary lifestyle first-hand, which inspires many to give their lives to missions. Now with Taiwanese representing approximately half of its full-time staff, , YWAM Taiwan has become a unique cross-cultural community. With this advantage, both Taiwanese and foreigners alike will find YWAM Taiwan to be a stepping stone to reach Taiwan, the Chinese World, Asia, and the nations.
If you were to ask what YWAM is about, the answer would simply be, “To know God and to make him known.” We do this by hearing God’s voice, obeying what we’ve heard, and then never giving up. We will continue making Him known until everyone gets a chance to hear the gospel.
YWAM Taiwan History
In 1982, the first international YWAM team came to Taiwan from Honolulu, Hawaii for a short-term outreach. Feeling a burden for the needs of the Taiwanese and the Lord’s call on their own lives, that same team returned to Taiwan the following year and founded YWAM Taiwan.
Over the years, hundreds of missionaries (short-term and long-term) have come from all over the world to share the gospel with those who had never heard, to love the locals with the love of the Father, and to train believers to become active disciples of Jesus. They reached out to the Taiwanese people in various ways, such as evangelistic cafes, English events, family and children’s ministries, etc. Today, YWAM Taiwan has twelve operating locations and ministries with over a hundred full-time staff dedicated to seeing God’s will accomplished in this land.