Our Ministry Locations
YWAM Taiwan National Office
MISSION: The mission of the national office is to Network: connecting the ministries of YWAM Taiwan with each other, with YWAM internationally, and with the Taiwanese churches and other missions organization. So that together, the gospel can me rooted in this nation and more can be sent into cross-cultural missions.
MINISTRY: Networking YWAM ministries domestically and internationally. Handling the legal areas and reporting to the government. Hosting national events, like staff retreat, minister ordination, etc.
CONTACT: Website: www.ywamtaiwan.org / Email: taiwannationaloffice@gmail.com / Phone: (02) 2626-3026 / Location: Danshui District, New Taipei City
YWAM Taipei - For Taiwan For Asia
MISSION: People are waiting, waiting for someone to introduce Jesus to them. YWAM Taipei actively responds to the needs of the gospel in the great area of Taipei. We also provide bible based missions training in both Mandarin and English. In partnership with the local church, we equip the Taiwanese and global Christian body who are passionate for cross-cultural missions by sending them to the unreached people of Asia. No longer do these people have to wait but they now have the opportunity to know Jesus and to live a life of following Him.
MINISTRY: Evangelism in Danshui District and the great Taipei area. Partnering with church and training in cross-cultural missions. Support the local needs in practical service areas.
CONTACT: Website: www.ywamtaipei.com / Email: info@ywamtaipei.com / Phone: (02) 2626-3026 / Location: Danshui District, New Taipei City / Facebook: YWAM Taipei 臺北青年使命團 / IG: @ywamtaipei
YWAM Yilan - Surf, serve, Send
MISSION: YWAM Yilan uses surfing as a bridge to share the gospel, disciple the people, and bring influence to other surf communities in Asia. We want to reach the surfer, train them, and help them understand their value through Biblical truth. Ultimately, we want to send missionaries to unreached nations and the surfing community there.
MINISTRY: Evangelize and disciple the surfers. Serve the practical needs of the community. Support churches and provide them with training.
CONTACT: Website: www.ywamyilan.org / Email: ywamyilan@gmail.com / Location: Touchung Town, Yilan County / Facebook: YWAM Yilan 宜蘭青年使命團 / IG: @ywamyilan
YWAM Taoyuan
MISSION: YWAM Taoyuan highlights the wonder of God through the tribal cultures God created. We believe that each culture contains “The Fingerprint of God”. Through the ministry of “Redeeming Culture”, we can present their finest aspects and their original design so that people can be directed to the Creator who created it all.
MINISTRY: Evangelizing through cultural celebration and extreme sports. Reaching out to the ones in need in the community to serve them. Networking and training.
CONTACT: Website: www.ywamtaoyuan.com / Email: ywamtao@gmail.com / Phone: (03) 360-9678 / Location: Taoyuan District, Taoyuan City / Facebook: YWAM Taoyuan
YWAM Miaoli - Mobilize for the frontiers
MISSION: YWAM Miaoli focuses on forwarding the ministry of Frontier Missions in YWAM Taiwan, to help release the unreached people become followers of Jesus and to help them multiply this transformational discipleship to their own communities.
MINISTRY: Missions Mobilization, Training for Frontier Missions, Providing pastoral care for missionaries
CONTACT: Email: ywamtaiwanfm@gmail.com / Location: Zhunan Town, Miaoli County
YWAM Taichung
MISSION: YWAM Taichung commits to bring Biblical transformation to people through prayer, training, and God’s unconditional love then commission them to be a blessing to the nations. In the Father’s love, we help the broken-hearted and spiritually deprived to be spiritually fed, healed, and restored, become disciples of Jesus, and bring life to the people around them.
MINISTRY: Journey with people to gain freedom through inner healing. Serve the broken through art therapy. Disciple and train.
CONTACT: Email: info@ywamtaichung.com / Location. North District, Taichung City / Facebook: YWAM Taichung
YWAM Changhua - Live, Love, Light
MISSION: YWAM Changhua dedicates to be the salt and the light for Changhua and its townships. We are naturally people’s first impression of Jesus here, where less than 1% of the population are Christians. We mainly seek out opportunities to sharing the gospel through the living out the Christian lifestyle and through hosting English classes in schools and churches.
MINISTRY: Evangelizing through hosting English summer camps for children and teenagers, teaching English classes in schools, and hosting English Bible studies.
CONTACT: Email: ywamchanghua@gmail.com / Phone: 0989-350-065 / Location: Hemei Town, Changhua County
YWAM Kaohsiung
MISSION: YWAM Kaohsiung believe in impacting lives through daily living so the gospel can be shared with everyone. We believe that the Bible is the word of God and is the word of life so we dedicate ourselves to Bible distribution, hoping that all will have an opportunity to receive a Bible.
MINISTRY: Bible distribution. Creative Street Evangelism. Discipleship and church networking.
CONTACT: Email: ywam.kaohsiung@gmail.com / Location: Dashu District, Kaohsiung City.
YWAM Taitung
MISSION: YWAM Taitung commits to becoming a blessing to the local community, using their skills, like sports, coffee, English, etc to reach the people with the ultimate goal of sharing with them the gospel of Jesus Christ.
MINISTRY: Cafe ministry. Sports evangelism. Campus English classes.
CONTACT: Website: www.ywamtaitung.com / Email: ywamtaitung@gmail.com / Phone: 089-322021 / Location: Taitung City, Taitung County / Facebook: The Rock Cafe Taitung / IG: @ywamtaitung_theofficial
KKI International Taiwan
MISSION: KKI (King's Kids International) is a world-wide ministry of Youth With A Mission committed to leading Children, Youth and their Families into a proven knowledge of God and linking generations for ministry and missions
MINISTRY: Evangelizing through festival celebrations. Host family missions camps. Training church leaders in youth and children ministry.
CONTACT: Website: www.kkitaiwan.org / Email: kkitaiwan@gmail.com / Phone: (02) 2820-6707 / Location: Beitu District, Taipei City / Facebook: KKI Taiwan
Create International Taiwan
MISSION: The mission of Create International is to communicate the message of Jesus Christ in ways that people can understand from their cultural and linguistic background, using tools that can be widely circulated and used by church planting teams, local churches, believers, missionaries, and various organizations.
MINISTRY: To produce and distribute art and media tools, including both animated and live-action evangelistic films, to reach the world's remaining unreached people groups in East Asia and beyond.
CONTACT: Website: www.createtaiwan.com / Email: office@createtaiwan.com / Phone: (02) 2625-8921 / Location: Danshui District, New Taipei City / Facebook: Create Internatonal Taiwan 臺灣國際創意媒體 / IG: @socam_tw
Family Resource Center
MISSION: Family Resource Center desires to serve the needs in Taiwan’s society, specifically in the area of family. Equip family members with Biblical truth so that they can demonstrate God’s love in the setting of families, churches, and the society.
MINISTRY: Help restore relationships in broken families. Train family members to strengthen their own family and then help others.
CONTACT: Email: jingle105@yahoo.com.tw / Phone: (02) 2745-8732