臺灣,宣教的跳板 Taiwan, A Stepping Stone

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(馬柏愷,美國籍,宜蘭青年使命團的同工 Missionary Testimony of our American Staff in YWAM Yilan)

2014年,馬柏愷來到臺灣拜訪當時在臺北青年使命團服事的姊姊。相隔一年半後,他決定自己來上聖經研讀課程,作為未來進入宣教工作的預備。在他於聖經研讀課程畢業後,馬柏愷認識了Chris Chon,當時Chris正在籌備在宜蘭一個專門針對衝浪者的福音事工。馬柏愷一直以來都很希望將運動作為傳福音的平台,他心裡知道這是神邀請他「去」的地方(太28:16-20)。

Zach first visited Taiwan in 2014 to see his sister, who serves the YWAM Taipei base. A year and a half later, he enrolled in the School of Biblical Studies (SBS) in order to build a sturdy foundation on the word as preparation for missions. Shortly after graduating from SBS, Zach met Chris Chon, who was building a team of missionaries to reach surfers in Yilan, Taiwan. Zach had always been passionate about using sports as a platform to interact with others and knew that this was the opportunity he had been waiting for to obey God’s word to “Go” (Matthew 28:16-20). 


Zach’s preparation in SBS helped him build a biblical foundation that would keep him grounded through the ups and downs of living as a cross-cultural missionary in Yilan. His diverse team of both local Taiwanese and foreigners created a safe learning environment for him to navigate the intricacies of cross-cultural engagement. As Zach became more aware of differences between eastern and western cultures, he was able to more fully embrace Taiwanese culture as his own, and, in turn, better love the Taiwanese. 



Over the past three years of being with YWAM, Zach has grown in both knowledge of the Bible and love through cultural understanding. Practical training from YWAM schools and a dynamic, cross-cultural community has prepared him for a future in Taiwan. From his first trip to Taiwan to visit his sister, to where he is today, Zach can now envision himself living in this nation for another 15-20 years.


華人社會的宣教航空母艦Taiwan, an “Aircraft Carrier for Chinese Missions”


臺灣,進入華人社會和亞洲的宣教跳板 Launching into the Chinese-speaking World & Asia