歡迎來到臺灣青年使命團Welcome to YWAM Taiwan
青年使命團希望能夠幫助任何有意參與在宣教使命中的教會與個人。我們相信年輕人在宣教的領域中有其特別的及不可或缺的地位。YWAM aims to serve individuals and churches that want to be involved in missions and believes that young people have an important role to play in reaching the nations.
臺灣的時刻 - 回應跨文化宣教的呼召 Taiwan, Respond to the Call of Cross-Cultural Missions
The Taiwanese people were born to be cross-cultural missionaries! Taiwanese people carry many of the essential characteristics necessary to thrive in missions. The Lord is building a missions movement in Taiwan, and He has prepared our DNA for such a time as this.